Yeah Gidday (tryin’ tae mug up oan ma kiwi accent)
no sooner have ah arrived than off they go – the pair o’ them, and tae Scotland
of all places. Here’s me jus’ settlin’
in and they’re up an’ oot. Anywise ah
was left with Sara and frankly if ah wisnae a dog and just ane foot high ah’d
marry her. Ye see, ah hid this wee leg
strain (from chasin’ they cats) and ah thocht ma leg wus broke. Well, it wisnae but Sara just treated me so
right – aff tae the Vet was I, x-rays oh yes, no expense spared. Must’ve cost Ma and Pa an airm and a leg
(gettit?). Anyway serves them right –
leavin’ me like that. At least ah’ve got
Sara (I think it may be love).
they come all fu’ of themselves – “how’s ma wee boy?” They says. I gave them the cold shoulder (sma’ as it is)
and so did Baxter except he’s deef and hadnae noticed they’d gone (and wus
back). Sky couches, tapas in Madrid,
wine fair at Lord’s Cricket Ground (Nursery End), Winchester Cathedral,
Liverpool and the Cavern (fab eh!), rellies and freens in Glasgow, St Andrews
(home of golf), Melrose (home of seevens) and London (home of the Tukie Embra –
go on say it). Business trip, some
business trip, distributors, wholesalers, retailers - pull the other leg. Actually don’t – ah’d fall over. Ah kin tell a jaunt when ah see one.
wonder if Sara wid dance wi’ me??
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